Performance at BizBash Chicago Expo

August 21, 2010

I had the pleasure of joining BizBash this week for their annual Chicago Expo and Event Style Awards. I presented a short set to open the afternoon keynotes and got a chance to mingle with some […]

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Back to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in October

August 16, 2010

I just got word that I’ll be returning to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba this coming October to once again perform for US troops and their families. Four years ago I first visited the naval base and had […]

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New ActivityTV segments launch today!

August 8, 2010

If you’re a Comcast cable subscriber, be sure to check out Comcast-on-Demand’s ActivityTV to see the new magic segments that launch today. Last month we shot 30 new tricks that will be rolling out over the […]

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Filming more ActivityTV spots with Comcast

July 15, 2010

Just returned from Philadelphia where I filmed another 30 tricks for Comcast-on-Demand’s ActivityTV. Look for the new tricks to be featured on Comcast and online over the coming months. Included in the new batch are a […]

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Performance at MPI Awards Dinner

June 20, 2010

This week I’ll be joining the membership of the Greater New York Chapter of MPI for their annual awards dinner. As the featured entertainment for the evening, I’ll be doing a piece with incoming President Don […]

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San Francisco beauty

April 13, 2010

While I often get to travel for events, it’s not often that I get to perform in front of such an amazing view. Here’s a photo of the view we had in our dining room at […]

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Appearance on MomTV with the Toy Guy

March 19, 2010

Today I had my first live-streaming web TV show experience. Good times! I appeared on MomTV with Chris Byrne (aka “The Toy Guy”) and Shannon Eis from Time to Play. I performed a number of effects […]

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